Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So this is going to be a reflection post for the most part...I haven't had much going on in the last few months other than getting ready for graduation...which happens in 11 days! Now in 11 days I will be a college graduate, it's a little freaky I'm not going to lie. But I am really excited. I have been working on my website, which I'll post a link to when it's all finished next week. As I look back over the last 5 1/2 years of my college career I am so thankful for what I have gained and learned I finally feel ready that I will be able to make it. I am also excited just for finally being done with schooling, it's a huge accomplishment. I only have 5 more classes until everything is done and I can't wait. Sorry this isn't all that put together this is more of a jumble of everything that's going on in my head right now. I am just so excited to be done with everything and finally move into "adulthood" and be in the real world. I can't wait to not have to schedule my day around my classes and I only have to focus on work and real life. Overall I am just really excited to move on and start fresh. I will be posting more soon when I have more free time on my hands and move everything home and get settled.